Latest Notifications from CBSE

The Time Ago Calculations mentioned at the end of the notification is based on the time when JKINFO collected notification/information from the website and it is not the actual time of uploading of the notification/information by the concerned website.
For more and latest information please do visit at CBSE

The Time Ago Calculations mentioned at the end of the notification is based on the time when JKINFO collected notification/information from the website and it is not the actual time of uploading of the notification/information by the concerned website.
For more and latest information please do visit at CBSE

The objective of this website and android application is to provide latest Job and Admission information via push notifications at single place without you have to visit each and every website. The is an all in one app which provides information from various official websites of Jammu and Kashmir. It provide latest Job and Admission (career) information via push notifications from JKPSC (Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Comission), JKSSB (J&K Service Selection Board), Controller of Examination (COEJU), University of Jammu, University of Kashmir, SMVDU (Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University), BGSBU (Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University), Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST), Central University of Jammu (CUJammu), Central University of Kashmir (CUKashmir), SKUAST Jammu, SKUAST Kashmir, J&K Police (Recruitment Notices), SKIMS (Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences), GMC Jammu (Govt. Medical College Jammu), GMC Srinagar (Govt. Medical College Srinagar), JKHME (J and K Dept. of Health and Medical Education ), JKBOPEE (J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examinations), JKGAD (J and K General Administration Department), DSEJ (Director School Education Jammu), DSEK (Director School Education Kashmir), J&K Dept. of School Education, JKHC (J&K High Court), KC International School Jammu, KC Public School Jammu, DPS Jammu ( Delhi Public School Jammu), Presentation Convent Sr. Sec. School Jammu (PCS Jammu), G D Goenka School Jammu, JKBOSE, Government Jobs, JKICDS (Integrated Child Development Services Jammu), J&K Directorate of Economics & Statistics, K V Sangathan,CSIR - IIIM (Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine)
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Note : The contents of this web site are informative only and for the benefit of the youth of Jammu and Kashmir. or JKINFO Android APP is not liable for any inadvertent or typing errors.